Short historic articles are posted here about the various I.S.G.A. competition plus other competitions with which its schools are often associated.
Since the inaugural Championships in 1979 the 5 Piece competition has been run under the auspices of AHMPS, IAPS, GISGA and now I.S.G.A. Each era has its own story to tell.
In 1991 H.R.H.Princess Anne came to watch her daughter, Zara, compete for Port Regis’s under 10 team at Stamford in Lincolnshire. The same weekend former Newbridge Prep and Wrekin College pupil, Laura Timmins, was crowned the youngest Women’s British Gymnastics Champion. Another ‘GISGA Champion’, Rebecca Owen from Wrekin College , won two Commonwealth Games gymnastics silver medals in Manchester 2002.
If you have any information about other pupils who have gone on to compete in national gymnastics competitions or gained selection to national squads or any other sports, please let us know.
If you know of gymnasts (or coaches) who have overcome major hurdles or have other interesting stories to tell, these too are part of the I.S.G.A. story, so please contact the archivist: June Walden: with your information. Thank you.